PNM Slams Kamla for ‘Civil Unrest’ Statement

  PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley says Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar statements on Saturday were dangerous…

National Security to Benefit from US Pfizer Vaccine Gift

  By Prior Beharry A “small donation” of Pfizer vaccines by the United States will be…

T&T Gets Pfizer Vaccines from US

  TRINIDAD and Tobago receives a gift of Pfizer vaccines from the United States. The Ministry…

Are Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccines Coming into T&T?

    By Prior Beharry A document purporting to give permission to a US State Department…

Chris Garcia Praises Frontline Workers in Song

  “Lord give strength to our frontline workers, soothe their hearts in this crazy time. I…

Hardware, Book Stores Can Open Next Week

  HARDWARE stores, bookstores and art supply stores will be allowed to open from next week…

Kamla Warns of Civil Unrest

  THE Government’s handling of Covid-19 is sewing the seeds of civil unrest. This is the…

New Covid-19 Programme Coming Again

  By Chantalé Fletcher IN less than a week, the Government has scrapped two systems to help…

Pharmacists, Vets Can Now Give Covid-19 Jab

  PHARMACISTS, dental interns and veterinary surgeons are being allowed to administer Covid-19 vaccines. This according…

12 More Die From Covid-19 in T&T

  TWELVE more people have died from Covid-19 in Trinidad and Tobago. The latest release from…