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CAL Passengers told ‘Brace’ for Impact

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PORT OF SPAIN – A Caribbean Airlines (CAL) ATR 72-600 flying from Tobago to Trinidad was forced to make an emergency landing on Monday night after passengers were instructed to assume the crash position after the pilot had declared an emergency.

In a statement, CAL said that BW Flight 1451 which left the Crown Point Airport at Tobago at 9.31 pm had “declared an emergency landing” and arrived safely at the Piarco International Airport 34 minutes later.

“All the required operational procedures are being followed regarding passengers and crew,” the airline said. There were 68 passengers and four crew members were onboard.

CAL said that the aircraft had been taken out of service “to facilitate inspection” amid reports that the emergency was due to an engine failure.

In a video captured by a passenger aboard the twin turboprop aircraft, the cabin crew can be heard repeatedly calling on passengers to “brace”  and to keep their heads down and hands over head as the plane descended into Trinidad.

The cries of children can be heard.

No reason has given for the emergency landing being declared, but media reports said that last Wednesday, a similar aircraft was being inspected by the crew at the ANR Robinson International Airport in Tobago, when it was discovered that one of the wheels on the front landing gear was missing.

That plane was taken out of service. (CMC)


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