By Sue-Ann Wayow
THE passes at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) 2021 examinations, while overall were good, had decreases in several areas.
The Ministry of Education in a press release on Wednesday gave statistics for both the Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE).
The ministry congratulated all who wrote the exams.
“Despite many challenges, our students have demonstrated resilience and excellence,” the ministry stated.
CAPE stats
For CAPE, 8,406 candidates, 3,346 males and 5,060 females registered for CAPE Unit I and Unit II examination representing a decrease in the number of students as compared to the 2020 CAPE registration numbers of 8,497 candidates.
The number of subject entries for CAPE was 35, 801 as compared to 37, 227 subject entries for 2020 and while for 2021, the number of subject entries attempted, that is, the examinations written, was 92%, for 2020 it was higher at 96%, the ministry stated.
In 2021, 93.93% of written CAPE subject entries achieved Grades I-V compared to 95.20% in 2020. Also, 72.84% of subject entries attained Grades I, II and III in 2021; a reduction from 76.07% in 2020.
In CAPE Unit 1, 93.91% of written CAPE Unit I subject entries achieved acceptable passes. In 2020, 76.00% entries achieved Grades I, II and III as compared to the 2021 figures of 72.12%. Four subjects attained rates of 100%. These subjects were Information Technology, Logistics and Supply Chain Operations, Spanish and Tourism.
For CAPE Unit II, 93.97% of written CAPE Unit II subject entries achieved acceptable passes. 74.05% of the subject entries written achieved Grades I, II and III, a decrease from 76.20% in 2020.
Food & Nutrition, Logistics and Supply Chain Operations and the Performing Arts (Music) attained rates of 100%.
CSEC stats
For CSEC In 2021, there were 23, 009 candidates registered wit. 54.84% being females and 45.16% males. Of those registered, 17, 979 candidates wrote the examination in 33 subjects.
Overall, there were 104,688 subject entries which represents a decrease as compared to the 2020 figure of 114,642 subject entries. Passing grades (Grades I, II & III) were obtained in 65.2% of the subject entries which is a decrease from 2020 when 70.4% of the subject entries achieved passing grades.
As it relates to Government, Government-Assisted and all Private Schools, 54.1% of the students were successful in five or more subjects, which is a reduction from the 61.58%. Further, 46.5% of the students who attempted five or more subjects inclusive of Mathematics and English A were successful compared to 55% of the students in 2020.
When analysed by gender, overall, in 2021, passing grades were obtained in 68.97% of the subject entries written by females as compared to 2020, where females achieved passing grades in 73.24% of the subject entries written. There was also a decrease in the percentage of passing grades by males in 2021 – 60.83% of subject entries – when compared to the 2020 figures of 67.11%.
The ministry thanked all stakeholders in education for their continued dedication and support in education during the Covid-19 pandemic.
At a Ministry of Education press conference on Wednesday, Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly briefly mentioned the decrease in results adding that having children back into physical classrooms was essential to their educational development.