Blood Drive in San Fernando Today

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

TO assist in obtaining more blood for the local blood banks, a drive is planned for today (Saturday, October 26, 2024).

The blood drive takes place at Allied Home Center carpark at Prince Charles St, San Fernando, in collaboration with the South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) and its Blood Donation Caravan.

From 9 am to 3 pm, customers at the popular shopping area can visit the caravan to make enquiries about blood donation and voluntarily give blood once they are eligible.

Director of both Allied Industrial Supplies and Allied Family Care  Dr Adrian Alexander told AZP News that the drive was a means of getting as many blood donations from the public in order to address the continued shortage.

He said, “The goal is to get as many blood donations to help with this severe problem we have in Trinidad where we have a deficiency in blood.”

Dr Alexander said there was not enough blood for emergency procedures far more scheduled procedures.

He said that the government, with the establishment of mobile blood bank units have attempted to ease the blood pressure similar to more developed countries where the mobile units can go to the people.

Admitting that there is a culture in Trinidad where there is a fear of needles, Dr Alexander said the blood donation from the public is significantly less than in other countries and “it is a tough situation.”

He said, “The disadvantage of giving from a healthy person is minimal. If you give one pint of blood, it should not have any physiological or any medical consequences to it.”

“You are giving something that cost you nothing to give, besides a stick, and that is what could save a life. The body is really good in regulating the blood count in what you need. It does not go too high or too low.”

Persons willing to give blood will have a mini-medical examination to ensure eligibility including blood pressure testing and blood sugar testing.

Additionally, if a person is selected to make a donation,  blood will be tested for certain infections before use, including HIV, Viral Hepatitis B and C, HTLVI, Syphilis and Chagas Disease according to the Ministry of Health.

The ministry’s website states that the need for blood is increasing in Trinidad and Tobago and donated blood from just one  person could save up to three  lives. A person is eligible to be a voluntary blood donor if:

  • He/she is in generally good health.
  • The minimum age limit for donating blood is 17 years, with consent.  There is no upper age limit for donating blood. The screening procedure at the Blood Bank will determine  eligibility to donate blood.
  • He/she weighs more than 110 pounds.


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