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Bermuda: Premier Burt Leads Ruling Party to Third Consecutive Victory

Premier David Burt addressing supporters after leading the PLP to victory. Photo: CMC
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HAMILTON—Premier David Burt led his ruling Progressive Labour Party (PLP) to victory in the general elections held on Tuesday, even as the main opposition (OBA) increased the number of seats it now holds in the Parliament.

Burt told supporters early Wednesday that  “the work continues” as he led the PLP to a third election victory under his leadership.

“This victory is not about one leader or one party; it is about all of us and the future that the people of Bermuda have made clear that they want to build together.”

Burt, who called the elections 10 months ahead of the constitutional deadline, said that while there will be celebrations, the work continues on Wednesday “and that work is not just for those who supported us, but for every Bermudian, because, as we pledged in our election campaign, we will govern for all.”

According to the preliminary results released by the Parliamentary Registry Office (PRO), the PLP, which had won 30 seats in the last general election, won 25 seats with the OBA moving from six to 11 seats.

OBA leader, Jarion Richardson in conceding defeat, said “democracy is about choice, and … Bermudians have made theirs.

“Although this outcome is disappointing for us, we respect the process and the will of the voters. Elections are not just about winning or losing; they are about the people, their concerns and their hopes for the future.

“While we may not have secured victory this time, our commitment to Bermuda remains as strong as ever,” he said.

“And to those of you who didn’t, you can expect me to call on you as we continue our journey to build a bigger and better OBA and a stronger Bermuda.” Richardson said.

The other party in the contest, Free Democratic Movement (FDM), failed to win a seat.

The PRO said that none of the 26 independent candidates, including the former premier, Sir John Swan, had been victorious, receiving 9.21 percent f the votes cast or 2,281.

On the other hand, the PLP received the support of 49.64 per cent or 12,300 voters while  the OBA received 9, 133 votes or 36.86 per cent of the votes cast.

Premier Burt, who had indicated that this would be his last general election as a candidate,  and Richardson, comfortably won their seats with Burt registering 440 votes as against 140 for the OBA’s  Nicky Gurret in the Pembroke West Central seat. Richardson polled 450 votes as against  the PLP’s Kim Wilkerson’s 188 votes in the Paget West seat.

The PRO said that voter turnout was just shy of 55 per cent , down on the 61 per cent in the election of 2020. (CMC)


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