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Bejucal Residents Protest for Better Roads, Drainage

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

RESIDENTS of Bejucal Road raised placards and burnt debris in an early morning protest for proper drainage and roads in their area on Monday.

They were supported by Member of Parliament for Chaguanas West Dinesh Rambally.

One resident held a placard with the words, “2022, Sweet Carnival, Bitter Roads.”

The protest that consisted of approximately 50 people, started around 6.15 am and lasted until about 7.45 am.

In a Facebook video post, Rambally said, “They (the residents) are really desperate. The conditions of their roads. The roads, the drain, the water shortage, all the leaks for the pipelines, this is something that crosses the span of WASA (Water and Sewerage Authority), Minister of Public Utilities, Minister of Works and Transport and we are also talking about the Tunapuna Piarco Regional Corporation and we are talking about drainage as well so Minister of Local Government.”

The Chaguanas West MP said, “We need a collaborative effort. These people have been suffering for too long with a combination of all of these issues.”

Chaguanas West MP Dinesh Rambally. Photo: T&T Parliament

He added that he did not think the residents found any pleasure in having to protest for basic necessities, but out of frustration and desperation, they took to the streets to voice their concerns.

Rambally shared with, copies of letters sent in 2020 to Works Minster Rohan Sinanan detailing issues of flooding and related matters in the Chaguanas West constituency, copies of which were sent to other government ministers including Housing, Social Development, Planning and Development and Rural  Development and Local Government.

Also in December 2020, with specific reference to Bejucal Road, Rambally had written to WASA informing of leaks at LP#81 and #82. Copies were also addressed to Ministers of Public Utilities, Works and Transport and Local Government.

Rambally told, “The Corporation always say they don’t have sufficient funds to do anything. Works says that the trucks are too heavy and WASA undermining the roads. WASA says that the soil movement in the area causes the pipes to burst and leakages.

“Local government won’t touch the drainage issues with the longest bamboo rod. And at the end of it all, people are suffering from flooding, bad roads, low water pressure and sometimes no water, dust hazards etc.”

He also said that to date, he has received no official response to his letters.

Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales told that he personally has not received any report or complaint on the matter.

He said, “Every Monday morning I have meetings with all the area managers of WASA to monitor what is taking place in the various districts around the entire country. We also agree as a high-level team on strategies to tackle systemic problems that impact water distribution in various areas. I won’t get distracted or side-lined by political opportunists.”

WASA response 

However, he did send a response received from WASA admitting there were issues which the authority attempts to rectify at the soonest possible time.

WASA stated, “With respect to Bejucal Road, Cunupia, the Aauthority recognises that due to the shifting of the land, a number of our customers’ service connections are compromised. With regular monitoring, the Technical Officer for the area as well as the engineer puts priority in repairing these connections when reported and when discovered by the said TO and engineer. At present, our database shows no pending leak for this area. In addition, there are no pending customer  complaints or invest leaks for this community at present.”

WASA added that the technical officer for the area conducted his regular visit on Monday  with confirmation that a supply is in the area from the Corner of Bejucal  Road and Adjodha Road and heading west to the highway. He also noted there were no noticeable leaks on the surface and/or in the drains.

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With respect to the water supply, this area receives a 24/7 supply off the Caroni WTP supply with pressures and flows increasing during the night-time periods WASA stated.

“WASA continues to serve this community to ensure they receive a water supply and repairs conducted in a very timely manner,” the authority stated.

‘UNC playing games’

Gonzales added that he has noted that the United National Congress (UNC) has started a trend of protesting on a Monday morning and would therefore pay little attention to their games and attempts to destabilise the country.

“My energy is spent on finding solutions to fix the country’s problems… Whilst they burn tyres, I will work on solving decade-old problems. And by the Grace of God these challenges will be overcome,” Gonzales said.

Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales. Photo T&T Parliament

He said, “The UNC has no moral authority to speak to the citizens of this country on water challenges. They burnt up billions of dollars and failed to improve the water situation in UNC constituencies. The money was used on projects that facilitated bribery, corruption and kickbacks.” also sent messages to Minister of Local Government Kazim Hosein and Minister of Works and Transport Roshan Sinanan. But no responses were received.


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