By Prior Beharry
PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley says action is being taken to deal with the increase in crime in Tobago.
Speaking during Conversations with the Prime Minister at the Scarborough Library Facility, Tobago, on Thursday evening, he said, “The government has ensured that the commissioner of police is aware Tobago’s situation and the commissioner of police has taken action to beef up the security in Tobago to give you greater safety and security.”
He said everything must be done to prevent Tobago from becoming another playground.
Dr Rowley said there will be a greater police presence in Tobago.
He said, “There will be a unit of the Inter-Agency Task Force here in Tobago. These are police officers who act immediately… They are specially trained and the act on information about criminal conduct especially on fresh or growing criminal threats.”
Dr Rowley said, “A unite like that will be in Tobago and the Guard and Emergency Branch will have a presence in Tobago to assist the normal police officers.”

Over the weekend Tobago, recorded its tenth murder for the year. Robberies have also been on the rise in the sister isle.

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