Bad Weather Stops Refloating of Gulfstream

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EFFORTS to refloat an overturned vessel off the coast of Cove, Tobago, have been delayed due to adverse weather conditions, according to the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries.

The vessel, which was discovered overturned in Tobago’s waters in early February, had its oil leakage stopped a month later.

In a release issued on Friday, the ministry said that the recent threat of Tropical Storm Ernesto, which brought thunderstorms, showers, and rough seas to Trinidad and Tobago, has hampered the refloating operations. This phase was originally expected to be completed last week.

“However, due to rough seas influenced by three consecutive weather events over the planned period, the operations to refloat and tow were suspended as the safety of all personnel remains paramount and there was a risk of damaging sensitive equipment,” the ministry stated.

The ministry explained that the timeline for the next window to execute the critical operation will be determined based on the advice of international experts retained to manage this part of the process. Until those operations can safely commence, the vessel remains overturned and unmoved from its grounded location off Cove’s coast.

The previous phase of operations, which focused on deinventorying the vessel, called the Gulfstream, began in mid-April. By the completion of that phase, approximately 32,303 barrels of oil were successfully pumped from the barge.

The ministry stated, “The safety of all personnel remains paramount as the prevailing weather conditions of the wet season and hurricane season persist,”


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