Avoid North Coast Road

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MOTORISTS are being advised to avoid using the North Coast Road if possible for the next few days as work is being undertaken to clear the roadway of debris and fallen trees.

The Ministry of Works and Transport in a press release on Wednesday, the ministry stated there were reports of  numerous landslides along the road from the Pillars to La Fillette as a result of the  adverse weather conditions on Wednesday.

Pestex 12

The ministry stated, “At this time, members of the public are advised that access to the roadway has been temporarily restored to accommodate single lane traffic only. Clean-up efforts are still ongoing, and it is anticipated that works will continue over the next few days to re-establish full connectivity.”

 Subsequent updates will be provided by the Ministry of Works and Transport’s Highways Division.

The  ministry added, “It should be noted that the exposed slopes are presently heavily saturated and therefore susceptible to further movement and may be hazardous to all road users at this time. Motorists are advised to avoid this area if possible, and traverse only if absolutely necessarily. Please be guided accordingly.”


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