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Another Southbound Lane on Solomon Hochoy Highway

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Caption: A police officer directs traffic along the north bound lane of the Solomon Hochoy Highway approaching Chaguanas. AZP News/Sue-Ann Wayow

MOTORISTS heading south along the Solomon Hochoy Highway can now use the additional lane being built.

The Ministry of Works and Transport advises the public of the partial opening of the southbound lanes along the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway, in the vicinity of the Brentwood Acceleration Lane to the Chase Village Overpass.

From Monday, motorists were allowed to use the lane.

In a press release on Tuesday, the ministry further advised the public that a 100 metre transition zone will be demarcated using traffic control devices to facilitate the flow of traffic from two lanes into three lanes in the vicinity of the Brentwood Acceleration Lane.

Additionally, three lanes will be maintained for approximately two kilometres until the approach to the Chase Village Overpass.

Approximately 400 metres north of the Chase Village Overpass, the left lane transitions into the deceleration lane unto the Chase Village Overpass.

And the southbound lanes take traffic to Freeport/Couva/San Fernando.

Members of the public are advised to proceed with caution and observe all directional signs and traffic control devices, the release stated.

The ministry also apologised for the inconvenience caused and thanks the public for its continued cooperation.


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