KIDNAPPED victim Anisha Hosein-Singh has been released by her captors.
She was found by a commuter near the Caroni Cremation Site around 10 pm on Wednesday.

Hosein-Singh was taken to the St Joseph Police Station and then to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex in Mt Hope.
There have been conflicting reports on whether a ransom was paid.

Hosein-Singh, 27, was dragged into a vehicle just before 6 am on Saturday when she was assisting her husband Rishi set up their doubles stall at El Dorado.
Her husband was shot in the face by one of the three kidnappers when he tried to save her.
Singh was grazed on the cheek by the bullet.

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Happy that she has been released.
Why all the the people who have been kidnapped were released within the Caroni Crematorium area. I want to suggest you hat whenever some is kidnapped the police set up secret positions at the beginning and end of that particular road from dusk to dawn.