THE Ministry of Education has released preliminary analysis of the Caribbean Advance Proficiency Exam (CAPE) and Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) for 2024.
Below is a summary:
- In 2024, 96.28% or 20,264 had acceptable grades I-IV
- In 2023, passing grades were 96.4% of 19,181 students;
- 27 out of 32 subjects attained a pass rate of 90% and above compared to 26 subjects in 2023;
- Analysis of the 2024 CAPE Unit II results indicates that 93.95% (10,475) of written CAPE Unit II subject entries achieved acceptable passes i.e. Grades I-V;
- The 2023 figure was 95.49% (10,061);
- 29 out of 32 subjects attained a pass rate of 90% and above;

- A total of 21,713 candidates (54.14%, 11,755 females and 45.86%, 9, 958 males) wrote the examination in thirty-four 34 subjects in 2024;
- In 2024, there were 114,332 subject entries written which represents an increase from the previous year with 112,748 subject entries;
- Passing grades (Grades I, II & III) were obtained in 67.62% (77,306) of the subject entries compared with 67.79% (76 430) in 2023;
- In 2024, 58.18% (8,410) of the students writing five or more CSEC subjects were successful in five or more subjects. The 2023’s figure was 58.58% (8,410);
- 45.55% (6,393) of the students who attempted five or more subjects inclusive of Mathematics and English A were successful compared to 51.53% (7,290) in 2023.
- Pass rates were greater in seventeen 17 subjects in 2024 as compared to 2023.