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Allegations of Sexual Harassment Against Sando Councillor

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

ALLEGATIONS of sexual harassment have arisen out of the San Fernando City Corporation concerning an employee and a local government councillor.

The allegations were raised on Monday night by Member of Parliament for St Augustine Khadijah Ameen who is calling on Local Government Minister Kazim Hosein to directly intervene in the matter.

Ameen speaking during the United National Congress (UNC) virtual meeting, said there was a report at the Mon Repos Police Station against the councillor closely related to a People’s National Movement (PNM) government  minister.

She said, “This councillor has been accused of sexual harassment of an employee on numerous occasions. Of locking the employee up in the office and rubbing himself upon her and it is further alleged that this employee is being exploited of her salary.

“I want to call on the Minister of Local Government, the Honourable Kazim Hosein to investigate this matter. During the days of the early Covid pandemic, we had the lockdown, many council offices were closed and the staff were working from home for a period of time but government employees continued to receive their salaries.

“There is a councillor whose secretary was advised to put aside her pay from that period  and she was told that that money would be used to buy furniture and stationery and other things for the councillor’s office.”

Ameen said a councillor’s secretary salary was just under $3,000 monthly.

Addressing Hosein directly, she said, “You should know that the person who brought this matter to yourself, to another PNM MP in San Fernando’s attention, and to the councillor has been threatened so seriously that a report has been made to the Mon Repos Police Station.”

She referred to sexual allegations against former sports minister Darryl Smith.

“Do you intend to sweep this matter under the carpet like the Darryl Smith matter?” she asked.

Ameen said, “A Darryl Smith report on a sexual harassment incident is still outstanding. That minister was accused of sexual harassment and also subsequently accused of using public funds to settle the matter.  How many years has it been and no reports have been published? It speaks again to the political will of the PNM when it comes to women, sexual harassment, domestic abuse and violence.”

Ameen said for months, the UNC MPs have been calling on Government to fully utilise the Sex Offenders Registry and called for a fast-tracking of legislation for the use of pepper spray. attempted contact both Hosein and San Fernando Mayor Junia Regrello but efforts so far have been futile.


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