By Sue-Ann Wayow
AS the curtains go down on the United National Congress (UNC) internal national executive election campaigns, all measures are in place to ensure a smooth election process on Saturday.
Chairman of the United National Congress (UNC) Elections Management Committee Darrell Allahar told AZP News on Friday, “We are as ready as ready can be.”

The UNC membership has over the past few months and especially in the last two weeks have been wooed by both major slates contesting the election – the STAR team slate led by incumbent political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the United Patriots (UP) led by Mayaro MP Rushton Paray.
Both teams campaigned heavily, going into different areas with each telling the UNC membership that their slate was the premium one and should be given the opportunity to serve the party and to steer the UNC back into government in 2025.
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The symbol for the STAR team is a star, while the symbol for the United Patriots is hands clasped together in prayer.
Voting starts at 8 am at various polling stations across the country and ends at 6 pm.
There are 75 polling stations in each constituency in Trinidad and Tobago.
Siparia has the most number of polling stations with five while Cumuto/Manzanilla follows with four.
Allahar said various notices were issued to the membership and members should all be aware of the election on Saturday.
He said, “There will be information officers at every polling station to assist members to find their names on the list, just like in a general election.”
The cut off date to register as a UNC member to be eligible to vote was on May 15.
According to the election rules, all members whose names appear on the Final Voters’ Lists are eligible to vote at that constituency election venue provided such member: is eligible to vote at a national election; has not been deemed to be expelled by virtue of Clause 21(A) of the party’s constitution; has not been suspended from membership pending the investigation and determination of a disciplinary charge and does not appear on the List of Special Voters.
Allahar said currently all ballot papers are kept “under lock and key” and will be issued to presiding officers at the right appropriate time on election day.
Following the closure of the voting process, votes will be counted and issued back to the election committee.
“As long as we are ready with preliminary results, there will be a press release,” Allahar said.
The final results will be issued on June 21 to allow for any requests of recount he said.
One recount of the votes will be allowed and the deadline for application for a recount is on Sunday at 12 noon.
Allahar also issued a caution to media personnel asking that they stay outside of the polling stations to allow voters to cast their ballots privately.
Additional information for the election can be found on the party’s website.