Minutes after a piece by AZP News columnist Alicia Chamely titled Only ‘Yes Men’ Around Kamla went live on Saturday, Political Leader of the Progressive Empowerment Party Phillip Edward Alexander sent us a response. As a fair and independent news agency, AZP News runs Alexander’s comments below:
THIS morning I read an article in AZP News saying Kamla is surrounded by ‘yes’ men who should have stopped her from taking a strong position on the woke culture as she did in her congratulations to President Trump.
That right there is the problem with the woke and cancel cultures. The stubborn resistance to a dissenting opinion. The madness of puberty blockers to force a transgender agenda into the mainstream is what galvanized and, ironically, ‘woke’ everyone else to exactly what was taking place under the guise of acceptance.
Cancelling people for speaking out against drag queens reading to children never answered why the sudden need for all this reading, and why not to the elderly and shut-in populations? Asking the question is sufficient, and that is what Trump gave us back, the right to question the insanity. No other politician in this country tolerates as many dissenting opinions from their ranks as Kamla does, and I have seen her with my own two eyes adjust sails to suit the temperature when convinced against her position.
But in this, she was spot on, and for the courage as a leader with so much on the line to say what needed saying without fear to any personal loss speaks volumes that the writer sadly missed.
Leadership is taking people where they need to be. Kamla is a leader. And I believe her next stint as prime minister will elevate this country to heights unimagined.
Let’s see if AZP has the courage to publish this contradictory opinion as well.
Alexander Responds to AZP News Columnist
Minutes after a piece by AZP News columnist Alicia Chamely titled Only ‘Yes Men’ Around Kamla went live on Saturday, Political Leader of the Progressive Empowerment Party Phillip Edward Alexander sent us a response. As a fair and independent news agency, AZP News runs Alexander’s comments below:
THIS morning I read an article in AZP News saying Kamla is surrounded by ‘yes’ men who should have stopped her from taking a strong position on the woke culture as she did in her congratulations to President Trump.
That right there is the problem with the woke and cancel cultures. The stubborn resistance to a dissenting opinion. The madness of puberty blockers to force a transgender agenda into the mainstream is what galvanized and, ironically, ‘woke’ everyone else to exactly what was taking place under the guise of acceptance.
Cancelling people for speaking out against drag queens reading to children never answered why the sudden need for all this reading, and why not to the elderly and shut-in populations? Asking the question is sufficient, and that is what Trump gave us back, the right to question the insanity. No other politician in this country tolerates as many dissenting opinions from their ranks as Kamla does, and I have seen her with my own two eyes adjust sails to suit the temperature when convinced against her position.
But in this, she was spot on, and for the courage as a leader with so much on the line to say what needed saying without fear to any personal loss speaks volumes that the writer sadly missed.
Leadership is taking people where they need to be. Kamla is a leader. And I believe her next stint as prime minister will elevate this country to heights unimagined.
Let’s see if AZP has the courage to publish this contradictory opinion as well.