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Alexander Calls For Rowley’s Removal Via Petition

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

A petition calling for the removal of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has begun online and within 10 minutes of publication, had over 200 signatures. 

It was started on Thursday by Phillip Edward Alexander, head of Citizens Union of Trinidad and Tobago. 

Alexander said the message was simple, “The ultimate goal is an election. The Government has failed. The motive is to save lives and livelihoods.” 

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley. Azlan Mohammed/AZP News

The petition is aiming to have 500,000 signatories. 

Alexander told, “We want to be clear. The petition is to Keith Rowley demanding that he steps down, so we want a legal quorum.” 

He added that there was massive success with the last petition which called for the legalisation of the use of pepper spray and it contributed to the law being passed. 

“It is our purpose to wake people up to their power,” Alexander stated. 

The petition states:

We the people are fed up of your incompetence and mismanagement of our country. On your watch our economy was destroyed while your fat cat friends and financiers got fatter on public funds. Your handling of Covid19 has been an ongoing disaster, and your Cabinet reads like an opportunistic grab by the least qualified available. Murder rates, deaths from Covid, suicides, mental illness, homelessness, poverty, drug trafficking, human trafficking and an explosion of illegal immigrants are the hallmarks and legacy of the six years that you and your bungling bunch have been abusing the public’s patience and trust. 


6 thoughts on “Alexander Calls For Rowley’s Removal Via Petition

    1. This Country has lost it’s credibility and respect globally. The bankruptcy continues in all ways and there are no signs of good governance.

  1. Just need to get Rowley and PNM out of office…so that TT can start to heal
    We need someone who is for COUNTRY

  2. PNM must be removed by any legal way. Keith Rowley is the absolute worst Prime Minister this country has ever seen. Colm Imbert, Faris Al Rawi, Stuart Young, Terrence Deyalsingh, Fitzgerald Hinds and every other bumbling idiot of the PNM should be sued and JAILED!

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