Abdul-Mohan To Deliver Closing Sermon in Germany

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE Right Rev Joy Abdul-Mohan, moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago (PCTT), has been chosen to deliver the sermon for a closing global ceremony to be held in Germany.

In a media release on Wednesday, the PCTT said that four of its representatives will attend the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC).


The event is scheduled to take place in Karlsruhe, Germany, from August 31 to September 8.

Abdul-Mohan along with Deaconess Marlene Seenathsingh, Ordinand Bjorn Warde and Kenneth Shawn Mahase will be the delegates in Germany.

The PCTT is an affiliate of the World Council of Churches. The representatives have all been assigned specific tasks in working groups as they also were chosen for their various backgrounds, the release stated.


In addition to her proclaiming the final sermon, Abdul-Mohan is the moderator of the Ecumenical conversation on “Exile, Exodus, and Hospitality: Human Mobility, Displacement and the Public Role and Witness of the Church”.

Seenathsingh has been appointed to be an Assembly delegate in a working group representing Indigenous people. She has been appointed as the rapporteur and co-facilitator of an Ecumenical conversation on Health and Healing.


Warde is the youngest and only youth representative from the Caribbean. He was also appointed on the Central Committee for the Assembly.

Mahase an attorney is an Assembly delegate advisor.

“We wish them all a blessed, rewarding and safe trip as they represent the PCTT at this international forum. The PCTT is grateful for their service as ambassadors for Christ and stewards of his kingdom,” PCTT stated.


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