A Hot Cup of Sanity for 2022

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By Alicia Chamely

RISE and shine T&T it’s a brand spanking New Year.

We can all safely agree 2021 was a gross disappointment. I will argue it was worse than 2020.

If 2020 was a dumpster fire, then 2021 was equivalent to a wildfire in the Beetham landfill. It stunk!

Cydrax GIF

Sadly, we crawled out of the landfill fire as more garbage human beings than ever.

Today we woke up in a country that is critically fractured. The division amongst us is truly disheartening, but, if I am honest, not completely surprising.


As strong-willed and proudly free-thinking as we like to consider ourselves, in one way or another many of us have become pawns in the politicization of the pandemic and fragile socio-economic state in which we find ourselves.

Clinging to petty bickering of those who sit in the Red House, swayed by the social media peddlers of “change” holding on desperately to the generational biases we know are wrong, but are too weak to abandon, we gorged ourselves on the “them vs us, you vs me” mentality.


Where has it gotten us?

If you guessed nowhere, then move to the front of the class.

All of our bickering and hatred coated banter has done nothing but speed up the rate at which our society deteriorates.

We are all guilty of it. I’ll admit I’ve turned up my nose with a grand sense of hoity-toity-ness when I see someone post a conspiracy based anti-vaccine pandemic video online or felt intellectually superior to someone with unfortunate conversational skills.


And it’s done nothing for me.

We continue to fight each other and pretend we are better than one another without realising we are all in the same sinking ship.

I rarely like to say: “Man I can feel it; this year’s going to be great!” Because last time I said that loudly was on January 1, 2018 right before a drunk bareback man rare ended me. The year got worse, my dad got cancer, my son was born in distress, there was a house fire, my son got sick, and I got some postpartum depression and so on. So I strongly believe me having any verbalised wishes for the New Year is an instant blight.

I am not going to say, “Chin up T&T, this year is our year!” because frankly, we don’t need any more goat mouth.

I will say this. Perhaps this year, we can be better. Perhaps this year we can tune out the anger and pettiness around us, disengage from those who prey on our need to belong or take advantage of our vulnerabilities.


Maybe this year we can watch our words and our thoughts. Within ourselves, resolve our own discord.

And hopefully, we can find peace and through that peace be kinder, be more accepting, leave behind the “us vs them” mentality that has held us down for so long.

Who knows what this year will bring, personally I wouldn’t mind a hot cup of sanity with a side societal kindness.



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