MINISTER of Communications Donna Cox says she is not aware that Devant Maharaj of the DNN Network wants to join the Ministry of Health news conference.
Cox was questioned about what criteria were used to select media to be part of the Health Ministry’s virtual news conference and specifically about the request made by Maharaj, the managing director and head of news of DNN Network.
She responded, “I wasn’t aware that they had made a request. Actually I saw a letter on Facebook speaking about him wanting to get in with some legal jargon in the letter. I was not aware a formal request was made. I will check on it.”
Listen to Minister of Communications Donna Cox:
But contacted on the matter, Maharaj said he had made the request both to the public and private emails of Cox and also sent her a WhatsApp message.
He said he also sent emails and WhatsApp messages to officials in the ministries of health and communications.
Maharaj said, “Interestingly, Minister Cox didn’t check her email and I would think in this day of the Covid pandemic that ministers of government and in fact all public officials involved in the leadership level will regularly be checking WhatsApp and email.
He added that Cox did see his letter on Facebook but was “concerned that the Government is padding this press conference with soft people so that they would have questions that would not put their feet to the fire.”
Listen to Devant Maharaj:
Maharaj said the question remained about what were the criteria to be a part of the pressers for Ministry of Health’s virtual media conference.