Why UNC Should Leave Out Jack

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AZP News Commentary

Alicia Chamely
By Alicia Chamely

WHAT in the Tales from the Crypt is happening with the United National Congress (UNC)?

In a time when the populous is looking for new blood, a new hero, a revitalisation of uncorrupt, purely civic-minded leadership to emerge, we have Jack Austin Warner creeping out of his mausoleum and expressing his interest to contest a seat for the UNC.

T’is really spooky season.

Once our country’s favourite uncle, Warner, was a popular political figure. He took a $1 salary, he was outspoken, he acted on our national concerns, and may have had some alleged crookedness in his past, but we looked passed it.

Then the FIFA scandal broke and Uncle Jack is a wanted man in the US, on extensive charges of corruption and fraud.

As such, leader of then People’s Partnership government and current Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad Bissessar, did the correct thing and slapped Jack with a pink slip.


Since then, Warner has been actively avoiding the FBI, fighting extradition, forming his own political party, and spends much of his time raging on and being a thorn in the side of the Persad-Bissessar… let’s not forget the Zamie talk started with Uncle Jack. 

Man, he was salty, just 24/7 hating on Persad Bissessar. Just spent all his time criticising her, her party and bussin’ all her files.

Hell hath no fury like a man avoiding extradition, holding a grudge against his once political ally.


Therefore, it was indeed extremely surprising when Uncle Jack expressed his interest in rejoining Persad-Bissessar and the UNC to contest the 2025 General Elections.

Let’s pause for a second and think on this.

Hand’s up if you believe the current executive of the UNC would wholeheartedly welcome a man who is in deep trouble for fraud and corruption in US, who has maliciously maligned their current leader, back into their ranks?


If you kept your hand down, you are wrong!

On Thursday, UNC chairman Davendranath Tancoo said, “I am heartened that we are seeing a substantial inflow of persons, including Mr Warner, responding to the political leader’s call for those willing to serve at all levels of the party to come forward.”


Tancoo’s neither-here-nor-there response is extremely telling of the party’s stance on candidates.

In my opinion (before anyone comes at me) what this signals is the UNC, in its hunger to beat the ruling People’s National Movement, is willing to overlook incredibly troubling issues that are associated with those whom they seek to add to their slate.


This is where the opposition is failing… again in my opinion.

You cannot accuse the current government of corrupt practices or make promises of being an honest transparent government should you be elected, if you have members of yours currently before the courts for acts of corruption.

It is hypocrisy at its finest.

I cannot with a clear conscious vote for this, even with my current level of dissatisfaction with the present government.

So, it seems my finger will be unstained at the next election and I don’t think I will be the only one.

Politics has become a joke, and our politicians are taking us for fools.

I would love to see a law passed blocking any person who is before the court on charges related to fraud or corruption from seeking an elected governmental position.

It’s just common sense.

You cannot be facing charges for corruption, all the while making promises to be a transparent, trustworthy leader. Nope, nope, nope.

Should you be exonerated or found non-guilty, then sure put your hat in the ring, but before that give me a break.


One thought on “Why UNC Should Leave Out Jack

  1. You cannot accuse the current government of corrupt practices or make promises of being an honest transparent government should you be elected, if you have members of yours currently before the courts for acts of corruption.

    It is hypocrisy at its finest.

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