Commentary: Supermoon, Zamie, Bad Behaviour

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Caption: The supermoon on Thursday. AZP News/Azlan Mohammed

Alicia Chamely
By Alicia Chamely

QUICK question, has anyone checked to see if there are any strange gas leaks, chemical spills or mountains of asbestos hanging around inside the Red House?

Has the water been checked for trace amounts of neurological toxins that might affect cognitive abilities? Or perhaps checked the air conditioning vents for mold spores that when inhaled attacks all lobes and cortexes of the brain, rendering the inhaler a complete ding bat?

I am asking because I cannot for the life of me understand what is going on in our hallowed halls of Parliament and those who enter it.

Does it transport you to another dimension where everything in the country is all hunky dory, crime controlled, peachy keen, economy booming? Because the way our leaders have been acting and the decisions they have been making, have me wondering as to whether they are truly aware of what is happening on the outside.

Clearly when they enter the in magical halls of Parliament, they forget why they are there. Instead of behaving like leaders, whose dignified behaviour we should feel encouraged to emulate, they act like old rum shop jaggabats having a jolly old time on someone else’s tab.

Minister of Energy Stuart Young’s “Zamie” comment served as a recent example of the Red House’s psychotropic effects it has on its members.

Dude, mic on or not, there is a time and place. As a parliamentarian one needs to remember their role, they need to remember where they are and what behaviour is expected. What was said was extremely disrespectful.

I don’t care if you like the leader of the opposition or not. I don’t like three quarters of the people I am around 90% of the time, but I know if I let my intrusive thoughts loose, I’d end up on a terror watch list somewhere.

And let’s face it, you might not like a person, you might not agree with them, but if you are in a professional setting, you keep it professional.

Making jokes about a parliamentary colleague, who, like it or not, served as the prime minister of our country, is not only juvenile, but points to certain degree of arrogance that screams: “I can do, as I want, who cares what you think, nanny, nanny, nah, nah.”

Sadly, the reality is you cannot blame our members of government and members of opposition in entirety for their entitled behaviour. The reason being, they have been doing this for years, and we the people have let them get away with it.

Does anyone remember when, under the People’s Partnership Government, then minister in the ministry of the people and social development Vernella Alleyne-Toppin, made claims in the Parliament that then opposition leader Dr Keith Rowley was a child of rapist and a rapist himself?

Absolutely irreprehensible, but she kept her job and other than the same rumbling, Young now
finds himself subject to, she faced no real consequences.

Our leaders, both government and opposition, love to remind us of our “indiscipline” and are quick to point their fingers at the population for national issues such as crime… ahem Fitzgerald Hinds ahem… but what example are they setting. Who are the truly undisciplined ones here?

And all while the occupants of the Red House, which I am certain can now be classified as a psychiatric holding facility for advanced cases of sociopathy and narcissism, are calling each other names, our country is falling apart, and we are letting them get away with it.

On Thursday night we witnessed a super moon. According to all the new age hippie dippy, yoga lady, astronomy websites I read, the super moon is meant to be a catalyst for positive change, promoting personal and spiritual growth.

Unfortunately, all the supermoon did for T&T is bring out more crazy, more hypocrisy and not enough “why the hell do we keep supporting these people, who couldn’t give a damn and a half
about us, and why do we keep letting them get away with their bad behaviour.”


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