Opposition Leader Calls for More Support for TTDF

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OPPOSITION Leader Persad-Bissessar urges the Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds and Finance Minister Colm Imbert to allocate resources in the upcoming national budget to improve the lives of Trinidad Defence Force (TTDF) members.

In a release on Thursday, she said, “For the general improvement of the lives of our hardworking TTDF personnel, I call on the Minister of National Security and Minister of Finance to make financial appropriations for the following suggestions in the upcoming national budget.”


She also expressed hope for the success of the Joint Task Force One operations by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) and (TTDF).

The operations, which span five policing divisions, aim to bolster law enforcement presence, rebuild public trust, and restore a sense of safety amidst an ongoing crime crisis.

Persad-Bissessar said the critical role of TTDF personnel in supporting the TTPS through surveillance and tactical operations.


Stressing the dedication of TTDF personnel, she noted their involvement in special operations, rigorous training, and both local and regional security missions. However, she pointed out the harsh conditions faced by the non-commissioned ranks, including extended periods away from family, inadequate salaries, and insufficient medical coverage.

Her recommendations include access to service loans, improved salaries, payment of overtime, and better quality uniforms and personal gear.


Persad-Bissessar also called for access to Housing Development Corporation homes, family counselling, educational opportunities, and proper transport equipment.

She also stressed the need for enhanced meal rations, medical coverage, and recognition for service, alongside raising the compulsory retirement age to facilitate access to long-term mortgages.

“In times of unrest, the brave men and women of the TTDF have always stood in the gap to defend our citizens,” she said.


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