No Water in San Juan, Aranguez, Champs Fleurs on Friday

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WATER and Sewerage Authority (WASA) customers served by the Valsayn A Booster Station that there will an interruption in their water supply on Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.

This has become necessary in order to facilitate the replacement of a defective pump at the facility, a release from WASA sated on Wednesday.

Affected areas include: Along the EMR from St Joseph to Aranguez Main Road, San Juan (including Champs Fleurs and Mt Lambert), Upper & Lower Santa Cruz.

WASA stated that it may take up to 12 hours for the supply to normalise to some affected areas following the completion of these repairs.

A limited truck borne service will be available upon request. This can be requested through the following self-service options:

  • WASA Services App available via the Play Store or Apple store; or
  • Customer Portal available on the Authority’s website:


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