Rowley Angered over Barbarism

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Caption: Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley

PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley expresses his shock and anger following the fatal shooting of five-year-old Anika Guerra and her father Enrico in Morgua on Tuesday night.

In Facebook post on Wednesday night, Dr Rowley said, “This and acts like these represent the worst of what we are and what we have produced.”

Dr Rowley said, “Tonight, I am shocked and angered at the barbarism that could result in violent criminal conduct with total disregard for human life in our country, which could see an adult with a firearm deliver several shots into the body of a five-year-old child.”

He said, “As we continue to provide alternatives in very many ways hoping to encourage a human and humane response, we will also relentlessly pursue those who so wantonly assault our safety and security.”

Dr Rowley said, “Our national efforts must not waver, the heartless perpetrators will be identified, and justice will be served towards the end of eliminating this scourge from our country.”


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