Erla Responds to Kamla: Police Force Must be Necessary

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POLICE Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher says when police officers use force, it must be necessary, legal and appropriate.

She made the comment in a release by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) on Tuesday after Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar told police officers to “attack with full force” if criminals point guns at them.

Harewood-Christopher said TTPS has a clear mandate to preserve the peace, detect crime and other infractions of the law. 

She said, “These are just a few of the roles and responsibilities performed by Police officers on a daily basis. 

“How we perform these duties will determine how we are perceived by the public and whether we are able to garner the trust and confidence that is much needed to discharge our responsibilities. 

“We are granted wide discretionary powers, however, in the exercise of those powers, we are guided by laws and Policies. The Police Service Act 2006, the Criminal Law Act, Section 4(1), and the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago to name a few. 

“The Criminal Law Act, Section 4(1), speaks of ‘the use of force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of a crime, or in effecting or assisting in the arrest of offenders or of persons unlawfully at large.’

“We are reminded at all times that in the exercise of our powers, we must respect the Rule of law and the rights and privileges of all citizens, at all times. We are held accountable for our actions at all times. 

“In the performance of our duties, we are guided by a ‘Use of Force Policy’ which clearly states that ‘a police officer must seek to protect the safety and security of himself/ and others in the performance of his official duty. And while we understand that an officer’s decision to use force is sometimes made under ‘difficult, unpredictable and unique circumstances’, when such force is used, it must be necessary, legal and appropriate. If an officer acts outside of this, he would be held accountable.”

She said, “Police officers are also trained in the use of less lethal or intermediate weapons such as the Taser and Pepper spray, in order that they can effectively perform their duties. 

“We are quite aware of the risks and challenges that our officers face on a daily basis. We see the type of weapons that are in the hands of those who are bent on disrupting the lives of our law abiding citizens. We will continue to remain focused in our efforts to ensure that we provide a safe and secure environment for all.”

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