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Alexander: Thompson-Ahye on Spot

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POLITICAL Leader of the Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP) Phillip Edward Alexander is applauding Independent Senator Hazel Thompson-Ahye for her comments during the 2023/2024 Budget debate.

She said more emphasis was placed on crimes such as housebreaking committed by black youth as opposed to white-collar crime.

In a release on Thursday, Alexander said, “Senator Hazel Thompson-Ahye has nothing to retract. The truth of her statement must burn this hypocritical society but I applaud her for having the backbone to speak the truth to a people committed to ignoring it.

“Embarrassed by their lack of action over Bayside the TTPS put out a release promising action that never came.

“Former Commissioners could cry blood, until they could explain why the youths of Cocorite and Sealots were subjugated in ways the partying residents of Bayside or the Syrian St Clair wedding that took place at the height of the lockdown were not, to borrow a quote from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, methinks they dost protest too much.

“The Senator was spot on, and we won’t fix the problems of this broken, uneven society until we have the courage to face them.”


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