MIAMI law firm Sequor Law was paid $29.324 million to represent the State against those who were charged in the Piarco International Airport corruption case.
So said Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Monday.
Speaking at a United National Congress (UNC) virtual report, Persad-Bissessar said the Opposition asked for the information from the Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs after a Standing Finance Committee (SFC) meeting.
Attorney General Reginald Armour along with the law firm was disqualified on April 27 in a Miami court ruling. That ruling is currently being appealed.
Persad-Bissessar said, “We asked for the breakdown of the monies to the Miami law firm, how much was paid to the law firm in relation to legal matters, TT vs the defendants. This tells us it was $29.324 million, and all of it has gone down the drain because of his lying. The law firm was disqualified from representing TT.”
She also said that upon information requested, prior to becoming AG, Armour received $1.4 million from the State in legal fees for fiscal 2022.
Persad-Bissessar claimed, “The total fees paid to AG Armour for fiscal 2022, for matters for the period June 15, 2020, to February 23, 2022, was $1.4 million, on the eve of his becoming the AG.
“He couldn’t remember the figure when we asked him on the day, because he was probably ashamed to tell you how much he was paid in legal fees in 2022. He couldn’t remember $1.4 million, probably because he’s collected so many millions over the years.”