FORECAST: Partly cloudy/cloudy with intermittent showers and a medium (40% to 60%) chance of heavier showers or isolated thunderstorms in some areas. Mostly settled evening and night despite a few lingering showers.
Gusty winds and localised street/flash flooding events can occur near heavy downpours.
Seas are slight to moderate with waves up to 1.3 metres in open waters and below one metre in Sheltered areas.
Port of Spain
High 10.38 am and 10.03 pm
Low 3.54 am and 3.39 pm
High 10.43 am and 10.01 pm
Low: 3.51 am and 3.45 pm
Forecast maximum temperature:
Piarco: 30ºC
Crown Point: 30ºC
Sunrise: 5.54 am Sunset: 5.55 pm