FORECAST: Partly cloudy, becoming cloudy at times with light to moderate showers and a medium (40%) chance of isolated daytime thunderstorms.
Settled conditions are expected during the evening and early night time. A gradual increase in cloudiness is expected near midnight with periods of rain in some areas. Gusty winds, street flooding and agitated seas can be expected in areas under heavy shower/thunderstorms.
The remainder of the Lesser Antilles: Fair to partly cloudy and breezy at times with the isolated shower.
Seas are slight and occasionally moderate with waves up to 1.5 metres in open waters and less than 0.5 metres in sheltered areas.
Piarco 30°C Crown Point 30°C
Sunrise: 5.56 am Sunset: 6.20 pm
High tide: 1.45 am, 3.18 pm
Low tide: 8.42 am, 8.30 pm
High tide: 1.540 am, 2.58 pm
Low tide: 8.35 am, 8.07 pm
*Information Courtesy Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service