AZP News

Commentary: A Narcissistic PM

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By Neil Gosine

IN the past couple of weeks we haven’t seen hide nor hair of the prime minister when the country is under siege from increasing food prices and unable to keep up with the inflation, we are left to ponder where exactly is he and when will he come out of hiding to really make an impact on the citizens’ lives.

In many ways, Dr Keith Rowley’s leader­ship symbolises a toxic leader where his strengths come with a confrontational approach to criticise anyone who paints his administration in a poor light. His tactics seem to take patterns from malicious adversity. As leader of the People’s National Movement (PNM) and prime minister, he has definitely fallen way below what is expected from a leader and focuses on the fiercest personal attacks on his opponents. His record speaks for itself with weak, indecisive poor leadership. He has made new strides in alienation of the unions and the public sector workers, in totally disregarding his oath to lead without fear or favour, malice or ill will.

Michael Anisette recently said that is how the PNM operates  “they pelt mud and they expect it to stick.” This is a really sad realisation by the union leader at this time now after the PNM Government has been in power for seven years and the whole nation is being affected by the poor leadership of this Government. Anisette responding to a post on Facebook by the PM said it’s very unfortunate that a prime minister has the time to go on his Facebook at 11 forty-something in the night and attack him and further calling a union leader doltish over his utterances where he is only fighting for the rights of his members.

The union leaders across the country have come together and urged the PM to “call elections now” as they said he and his administration is basically a failed Government and in the midst of all this, the PM being so petty, he took to his Facebook to criticize union leader Anisette. The PM always seems to have to remind us that he is the prime minister as he stated, “I am the only prime minister of this country who ever appeared before a Parliamentary Committee as a witness, in the public interest. I did that because I am respectful of my oath and my responsibility to all the citizens of this country.” He always seems to go out of his way to prove his point and remind the citizens and everyone including the unions that he’s the prime minister and his word matters more above everyone else’s word. With all his remarks in the past about women and who they should choose as their bed partners and their private grooming habits, he continues to disrespect women and as such Anisette made a remark that the PM didn’t care about women or their children in the face of his administration’s low offer to the union’s membership with their ongoing wage negotiations.

The narcissistic leadership style of our Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley continues unabated. A narcissistic leadership style of a leader is where he is only interested in himself. Their priority is only about their own benefits at the expense of other people or the group, they have a strong ability to manipulate their followers and are able to establish fast, superficial relationships. We do not just have narcissistic tendencies in our prime minister, what we have is a toxic narcissistic leader. Any ordinary citizen can see what is taking place where protest actions are increasing in intensity and our prime minister is heading fast down the road of dictatorship, that’s why the average citizen has taken to the streets to protest their situation as the government no longer hears their voices or takes them on.

Under the current circumstances we seem to be in a galloping dictatorship and this is a recipe for disaster. Our political system has potentially given us the worst leader in history that only cares about himself, his cohorts, ministers, his own personal friends and family and his own sycophants.

Neil Gosine is the treasurer of the UNC. He was a former Chairman of the National Petroleum Marketing Company of Trinidad and Tobago. He also holds a Master’s in Business Administration MBA, BSC in Mathematics and a BA in Administrative Studies. The views and comments expressed in this column are not necessarily those of AZP News, a Division of Complete Image Limited.



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