FORECAST: Initially fair but hazy conditions, becoming increasingly cloudy during the morning with periods of light or moderate showers/ rain. There is an 80% (high) chance of heavy showers and/or thunderstorms in some areas, especially by late morning/ afternoon. Conditions will likely continue overnight.
The remainder of the Lesser Antilles: Partly cloudy and hazy conditions with showery spells in a few areas.
Caution: Gusty winds and street flooding can occur in the event of heavy showers or thunderstorms. Adverse Weather Alert #1 – Yellow Level in effect from 8 am today.
Sunrise: 5. 46 am Sunset: 6.30 pm
Seas are moderate with waves up to 1.5 meters to two meters; Occasionally up to 2.5 meters in open waters and below one meter in sheltered areas.
Today’s temperature
Piarco: 30°C Crown Point: 30 °C
High tide: 1.42 am, 3.05 pm
Low tide: 8.34 am, 8.16 pm
High tide: 1. 34 am 3.03 pm
Low tide: 8.30 am, 8.08 pm
*Information supplied by the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service.