Sabotage Suspected in Fyzabad Oil Spill…

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

SUSPECTED sabotage on an oil pipeline in Fyzabad has caused almost 50 residents to be relocated on Wednesday.

The six-inch pipeline was hacked but not before company officials received is a message for someone asking for money for the pipeline belonging to Touchstone Exploration and Primera Oil and Gas Limited.

The line has since been isolated and clean-up operations are in progress.

Local government councillor for Fyzabad/Siparia West Jason Ali told AZP News that the residents of Gowers Well Road and PCO Road were evacuated to a guesthouse at Delhi Road, expenses paid for by the company.

He was made aware of the spill at around 3 pm on Wednesday, about an hour after it occurred he said.

Ali said he would be liaising with company officials to find out about further compensation to residents who would have lost livestock and agricultural produce.

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However, up to Wednesday night, Ali said the high-ranking officials of the company were not co-operative when he attempted to speak with them 

One farmer lost 400 heads of dasheen he recently planted, another had 20 ducks covered in oil, he said.

At least three young children also sought treatment at the Siparia District Health Facility for belly pain and nausea.

“I spent three hours down there yesterday and I myself began to get a headache,” Ali said.


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