FORECAST: Partly cloudy/cloudy conditions accompanied by light to moderate showers/rain in varying localities. There is a medium (60%) chance of heavier showers or isolated thunderstorms in some areas from mid-morning. Conditions to continue intermittently overnight.
The Northern Windwards: Generally sunny, slightly hazy and breezy despite the isolated shower. Partly cloudy night with few showers and the risk of the isolated thunderstorm.
Leewards Islands: Fair and breezy with a slight haze and the odd shower. Clear and cool night.
Caution: Gusty winds and street flooding can occur near heavy downpours.
Sunrise: 5. 45 am Sunset: 6.30 pm
Seas are moderate with waves 1.5 meters to two meters in open waters and below one meter in sheltered areas.
Today’s temperature
Piarco: 29°C Crown Point: 29 °C
High tide: 8.47 am 9.48 pm
Low tide: 2.45 am, 3.12 pm
High tide: 8. 39 am, 9.48 pm
Low tide: 2. 39 am, 3.18 pm
*Information supplied by the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service.