FORECAST: Mostly cloudy with periods of showers and rain. There is the medium to high chance of thunderstorms during the morning and early afternoon.
Caution: Adverse weather alert in effect until 2 pm on Friday.
Sunrise: 5. 42 am Sunset: 6. 25 pm
Seas are moderate with waves 1.5 meters to two meters in open waters and near calm in sheltered areas.
Today’s temperature
Piarco: 29 °C Crown Point: 29 °C
High tide: 5.01 am, 6.32 pm
Low tide: 12. 05 am, 11. 45 pm
High tide: 4. 51 am, 6. 17 pm
Low tide: 11. 32 am, 11.27 pm
*Information supplied by the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service.