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Darkness Consumes Us

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By Neil Gosine

THE Prime Minister continues down this road of calling for public flogging and calling out an ordinary citizen that is doing his civic duty for our country and making public again, that a certain report was kept hidden all these years.

Mr Robert Sabga recently gave some very disturbing allegations of a paedophile ring under however the prime minister never even took the time nor care to sort out the facts, not even to thoughtfully listen to the questions or gave the media a chance to do their jobs.

As I continue to follow this story I just do not understand how this could have occurred in this country. Not sweet Trinidad and Tobago. Why and for what purpose was it shelved, such an important finding back in 1997?  Who made that call back then? The emotions of any right-thinking person would only feel appalled, sad and depressed from seeing what is being revealed at this time in our country.

It really seems to have descended into total darkness. The PM is a father also and I just cannot understand his reaction on this one. His heart must also be wrenching as we have seen the opposition compassionately calling for answers. His ethical duty is to ensure that these allegations are completely investigated now and put the relevant task force or team in place to find out the truth and prosecute whoever is responsible if they are still alive.

The whole situation is difficult to write about as my emotions are high and I can’t seem to find the words. PM please instead of lashing out as you usually do, be more considerate on this one, more thoughtful and share your views in a productive manner.

I know that anyone would want to use expletives on the culprits, on the people in charge of these children’s homes, however focusing your anger on Mr Sabga or the opposition is not productive at this point in time. At least this time the PM has already called for the commissioner of police to look into it and investigate what can be done in this totally unfair and morally wrong situation. Albeit very late in the game and it’s the bare minimum anyone can do.

Can you imagine the hell these children faced in these children’s homes and what we must do immediately is looking to stop future children from these heinous ordeals. Yet we see the PM quarrelling about people who have spoken up and tried to stop this hell on earth from continuing unnoticed.

One of the findings of the 1997 Sabga report on the children’s homes was that many homes got funded by the government, large fundings yet these gruesome acts on the residents went unchecked and hidden from the public for years.

Why is it so hard to find the compassion and the inner strength to do the right thing in this country? Only when someone brings something to light that it’s investigated, then it is looked at. That’s the only way we see anything addressed in this country and even then the time it takes to investigate these heinous crimes, we usually forget about it and it goes back into obscurity.

Only when we have a new prime minister with a caring Government, then maybe will we be finally ready to engage in honest dialogue and deal with these issues head-on. I know this process takes time and patience and maybe someday we will see a real leader emerge from the masses. That is the type of leader we want to run our country and face the issues that have been swept under the carpet for decades.

Frankly, I’m appalled and I am out of patience with the continued cover-ups and the state we have reached in our country.

Really darkness consumes us!

Neil Gosine is an insurance executive, the North East Regional Coordinator of the United National Congress and a former chairman of the National Petroleum Marketing Company of Trinidad and Tobago. He also holds a Masters in Business Administration. The comments and opinions expressed by him in this column are not necessarily those of, a division of Complete Image Limited.


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