FORECAST: Partly cloudy/cloudy with intervals of showers, especially during the afternoon. There is also a low to medium (30 – 40%) chance of thunderstorm activity, favouring southern areas of Trinidad.
Tonight will be initially settled. Showers are likely to return near midnight.
There will be a total eclipse of the moon tonight.
The remainder of the Lesser Antilles: Generally fair and windy with the likelihood of the odd isolated shower.
Caution: Gusty winds in excess of 47 km/hr can occur near showers and street flooding is also likely.
Sunrise: 5. 44 am Sunset: 6. 20 pm
Seas are moderate with waves two meters to 2.5 meters in open waters and below one meter occasionally choppy in sheltered areas.
Today’s temperature
Piarco: 30 °C Crown Point: 31 °C
High tide: 3.01 am, 4.00 pm
Low tide: 9.29 am, 9. 27 pm
High tide: 2.28 am, 3.18 pm
Low tide: 9.01 am, 9.01 pm
*Information supplied by the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service.