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Community Police in Violent Schools

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Some points:

  • School violence is glorified on social media;
  • Suspension seen as a badge of honour;
  • Parents not coming to parenting seminars;
  • Team to provide support;
  • Committee report by next month


By Chantalé Fletcher

COMMUNITY police officers are to be placed at the 15 secondary schools where violence has been prevalent. 

And the Ministry of Education (MoE) has assigned a dedicated team with guidance councillors and school social workers to provide immediate support to schools at the start of Term III.

A release from the MoE on Thursday stated, “Though all schools operate by the guidelines of the National School Code of Conduct and notwithstanding the operations of the School Social Workers and Guidance Councillors of the Student Support Services Division (SSDS) and the collaboration of Community Police in these particular schools, violent incidents continue.”

The staff of Student Support Services reported the impact of these incidents was compounded by their taping and circulation on social media. 

The release stated, “The effect of this has been, in some cases, to encourage perpetrators, as they see this as glorification of their deeds – a positive development- in which they revel.”

The ministry stated that the current school discipline matrix relies on suspension as one of its most severe consequences for indiscipline however, it no longer served as a deterrent for repeat offenders.

It stated, “In fact, being suspended from school is seen as a badge of honour and, in many cases, allows them freedom to engage in other activities.”


The ministry added that making contact with the parents of repeat offenders was often very difficult for school officials and those parents generally do not attend the various parenting seminars and other developmental programmes hosted by the  SSSD at the schools.

For these reasons, the ministry said the inter-ministerial committee was assembled to make recommendations for the updating of the school discipline matrix and the committee was expected to deliver its recommendations by the first week of May for discussion with wider education stakeholders and approval by the Cabinet.

“At this time, based on the number of violent incidents which have taken place both inside and outside of these schools’ compounds over the last two days, the Ministry of Education consulted with both the Ministry of National Security and the commissioner of police to discuss an immediate response to incidents of school violence, pending the recommendations of the inter-ministerial committee,” the release stated.

The letter also requested the presence of police patrol in the identified schools and surroundings.

On Thursday, an emergency meeting was held with the Child Support Unit of the TTPS and the Chief Education Officer of the ministry to discuss measures to create an atmosphere of safety, conducive to teaching and learning in schools.

“One of the immediate recommendations is the temporary posting of police officers to the 15 schools, so they would be available throughout the school day to provide support for violence deterrence.”


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