By Sue-Ann Wayow
MOVING forward even after the pandemic ends, the Judiciary should consider keeping court matters virtual and filing electronically, says attorney Martin George.
In a statement on Friday, George agreed with Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley that the justice system was way too slow in Trinidad and Tobago.

He said that out of the Covid-19 pandemic, several measures were implemented which could be sustained.
George said, “Out of the pandemic, two excellent solutions have presented themselves in terms of electronic filing and electronic service of Court documents and virtual Court which takes place by video-conferencing. Entire trials are done electronically, so even if persons are abroad or out of the jurisdiction, Court can still proceed with evidence being taken by video-link and persons cross-examined and submissions made and the trial concluded.”
He said, “It is a much faster, more efficient and seamless way of delivering and dispensing justice as opposed to the old cumbersome way of going in-person for trials and flying in witnesses or foreign experts at great expense, when you could just take their evidence by video-link.”
“The delivery of justice in TT is unacceptably slow,” Dr Rowley said on Tuesday night.
He complained that for the last seven years that he held the prime ministerial post, much was done by the government for the judicial system with little results.