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TUCO, TTCBA, Pan Trinbago Receive $7 Million

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By Chantalé Flecther

THE Trinbago Unified Calypsonians Organisation (TUCO), Pan Trinbago and the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival Band Association (TTCBA) have received $7million for Carnival 2022.

This according to Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts Randall Mitchell in an answer to an Urgent Question by Opposition Senator Wade Mark in the Senate on Tuesday.

Mark enquired from Mitchell whether the Calypso and Extempo Monarch competitions would be cancelled due to problems with funding.

Mitchell said, “Trinbago Unified Calypsonians Organisation (TUCO), Pan Trinbago and the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival Band Association (TTCBA) are commissioners of the board of NCC.”

He also indicated that the TTCBA and TUCO each received an allocation of $1.5 million to host their activities while Pan Trinbago got $4 million.

Mitchell stated the hosting of Calypso and Extempo competitions was a matter squarely within the purview of the executive TUCO.

He said that on January 19, the Cabinet approved $15 million to the National Carnival Commission (NCC) to host a “Taste of Carnival” which was a scaled-down version of Carnival.

However, the type of activities was within the purview of the executives of the special interests groups, he said.

Mark then asked what steps would be taken to address the shortfall of the Government, given the waste and corruption over the last six years. 

However, President of the Senate, Christine Kangaloo told him that his question would not be allowed.


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