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Anti-Vax Protests will Not Deter Ministry of Health

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE protests against Covid-19 vaccination and more specifically any form of mandatory vaccination policy will not desist the Ministry of Health from going forward.

This is according to Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram.

On Wednesday, speaking at the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 update, Dr Parasram said data continued to show that 94% of Covid-19 related deaths were amongst the unvaccinated or those not fully vaccinated.

He said, “There are a number of factors to take into consideration when you are trying to do a national vaccination programme.

“There are factors that work for your benefit and there are factors that work against you.

“All we can do at the ministry is be aware of it and try to mitigate against the risk of those campaigns and anything else becoming entrenched in terms of our vaccination programme not reaching our goal. Our goal is to vaccinate as many people as we can.”

Dr Parasam added, “What we can do at the ministry is to continue to advocate for vaccination,”

He also said that the ministry was working with the University of the West Indies through their Social Sciences Department “to look at alternate communication mechanisms” in promoting the ministry’s agenda towards vaccination.


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