VACCINATION against the Covid-19 virus remains a strong weapon in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic but persons are still free to make the choice as to whether they want to be vaccinated.
For this reason, the Trinidad Muslim League (TML) has withdrawn a letter dated December 16, 2021, issued by the TML School Board stating its position on vaccination.
On Friday, in a press release, TML stated that the public views expressed over the past two days regarding the board’s position on vaccination were unfortunate and misrepresented.
The letter did not instruct unvaccinated employees not to report for duty and at no point in time did the board or its representatives debar any unvaccinated employee from entering the compound of any of its schools, TML stated.
TML stated that the contents of the letter may be exploited by those who choose to remain unvaccinated and the letter was eventually withdrawn.
Leader of the First Wave Movement Umar Abdullah had spoken publicly about the TML’s policy as well as other implemented vaccination policies.
On Wednesday, speaking from the compound of the TML’s primary school in San Fernando, Abdullah said, “ A person is duty-bound to make rational decisions based on the information that is made available to him or her. If a person is convinced that a particular substance is harmful, it is duty to abstain from such substance.”
A fellow Muslim, Abdullah had cried “shame” on TML for encouraging vaccination allegedly against an individual’s will.