AND the award for this week’s (the noun here that Alicia wanted to use was Cacasplat, but it was edited) goes to none other than retired judge, professional rabble-rouser and breaker of biche Mr Hebert Volney!
Round of applause everyone! Why was Mr Volney chosen?
Well, Herbert decided the people of Trinidad and Tobago aren’t angry enough at our beaches being closed and decided to further rile us up with a charming video of him waist-deep in the ocean.
Posted on his social media page, Volney is seen casually chilling at a mystery beach, while taunting Prime Minister Keith Rowley, “I’m going in the sea and there’s not one damn thing you can do about it Keith Rowley (slight pause) okay!”
He continues on by saying the PM is suffering the people of T&T (true) and that he is one of the fortunate ones who can pay to go in the ocean (because nothing like a little humblebrag) and ends by calling the PM the “grim reaper”.
I genuinely didn’t know if to laugh or pitch my phone across the room.
Firstly, I am 95% sure homeslice was not on a beach in T&T therefore his big bad, I’m breaking the law cause I’m rich act is all a pack of manure.
Herbert Volney may be grotesquely annoying, but he isn’t an idiot and would not post a video of himself blatantly breaking the law.
So what was the point Mr Volney?
His video was more insulting to the people of T&T than to the PM, whom I am sure really doesn’t give a rat’s backside as to what Volney says or does.
So all his “look at me! I’m a rebel” chest-puffing just comes off as petty and childish.
Have no fear though; Volney isn’t alone on the Cacasplat podium this week.
Tied with Volney is the mystery passenger and patient zero of the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus, who travelled to Trinidad on COPA Airlines via Panama all full of Covid goodness.
As indicated in reports from the Ministry of Health, patient zero went through all sorts of lengths to get into the country. He or she got a positive PCR test in New York, flew to Panama where they don’t care if you are Covid positive or not, and used a negative antigen test get on the plane and into Trinidad where everyone else needs a negative PCR.
How selfish can one individual be? You have to be (edited out) don’t make me say it (edited out again) to willingly travel on a plane knowing you have a highly infectious virus in the middle of a pandemic.
I am assuming this (edited out once more) lady didn’t stop to think about others around them, or that those exposed to him/her may take the virus home to vulnerable members.
I am hoping this Covid-spreading human is prosecuted under every single Health Ordinance in the book… heck I hope they create a special new law where she has to pay a huge fine, spend some time in jail and then spend the rest of her life volunteering in our nation’s hospitals scrubbing toilets with a tiny toothbrush.
I will give Mr Volney this; despite his foolishness, he does deserve credit for encouraging vaccinations. Let’s face facts, despite what your pastor or Tik Tok social media free thinker says, vaccines have been proven to reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death. The truth is, it isn’t so much about how many cases we have, it is about how many hospitalisations and deaths we have that is a cause for concern.
So don’t be a Cacasplat, get vaccinated, and don’t boast about being on a beach pretending you are in T&T and if you are sick, stay home!
And the Award Goes to…
AND the award for this week’s (the noun here that Alicia wanted to use was Cacasplat, but it was edited) goes to none other than retired judge, professional rabble-rouser and breaker of biche Mr Hebert Volney!
Round of applause everyone! Why was Mr Volney chosen?
Well, Herbert decided the people of Trinidad and Tobago aren’t angry enough at our beaches being closed and decided to further rile us up with a charming video of him waist-deep in the ocean.
Posted on his social media page, Volney is seen casually chilling at a mystery beach, while taunting Prime Minister Keith Rowley, “I’m going in the sea and there’s not one damn thing you can do about it Keith Rowley (slight pause) okay!”
He continues on by saying the PM is suffering the people of T&T (true) and that he is one of the fortunate ones who can pay to go in the ocean (because nothing like a little humblebrag) and ends by calling the PM the “grim reaper”.
I genuinely didn’t know if to laugh or pitch my phone across the room.
Firstly, I am 95% sure homeslice was not on a beach in T&T therefore his big bad, I’m breaking the law cause I’m rich act is all a pack of manure.
Herbert Volney may be grotesquely annoying, but he isn’t an idiot and would not post a video of himself blatantly breaking the law.
So what was the point Mr Volney?
His video was more insulting to the people of T&T than to the PM, whom I am sure really doesn’t give a rat’s backside as to what Volney says or does.
So all his “look at me! I’m a rebel” chest-puffing just comes off as petty and childish.
Have no fear though; Volney isn’t alone on the Cacasplat podium this week.
Tied with Volney is the mystery passenger and patient zero of the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus, who travelled to Trinidad on COPA Airlines via Panama all full of Covid goodness.
As indicated in reports from the Ministry of Health, patient zero went through all sorts of lengths to get into the country. He or she got a positive PCR test in New York, flew to Panama where they don’t care if you are Covid positive or not, and used a negative antigen test get on the plane and into Trinidad where everyone else needs a negative PCR.
How selfish can one individual be? You have to be (edited out) don’t make me say it (edited out again) to willingly travel on a plane knowing you have a highly infectious virus in the middle of a pandemic.
I am assuming this (edited out once more) lady didn’t stop to think about others around them, or that those exposed to him/her may take the virus home to vulnerable members.
I am hoping this Covid-spreading human is prosecuted under every single Health Ordinance in the book… heck I hope they create a special new law where she has to pay a huge fine, spend some time in jail and then spend the rest of her life volunteering in our nation’s hospitals scrubbing toilets with a tiny toothbrush.
I will give Mr Volney this; despite his foolishness, he does deserve credit for encouraging vaccinations. Let’s face facts, despite what your pastor or Tik Tok social media free thinker says, vaccines have been proven to reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death. The truth is, it isn’t so much about how many cases we have, it is about how many hospitalisations and deaths we have that is a cause for concern.
So don’t be a Cacasplat, get vaccinated, and don’t boast about being on a beach pretending you are in T&T and if you are sick, stay home!