FORECAST: Partly cloudy conditions with occasional showers and periods of light rain. There is a medium (40-60%) chance of a few heavy showers mainly during the morning. Conditions are expected to improve as the day progresses.
The remainder of the Lesser Antilles: Predominantly sunny and breezy conditions despite one or two brief showers in a few areas. Mostly a fair night.
Caution: Adverse Weather Alert #3 – Yellow Level remains in effect until 10 am.
Maximum Temperature:
Piarco: 32° C Crown Point: 32° C
Sunrise: 6.14 am Sunset: 5.45 pm
Seas are moderate with waves two metres, occasionally 2.5 metres on leewards in open waters and less than one metre in sheltered areas.
High tide: 12.57am 12.57pm
Low tide: 6.35am 7.33pm
High tide: 1.09am 12.56pm
Low tide: 6.51am, 7.33pm
*Information Courtesy Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service