FORECAST: Partly cloudy with light or moderate showers in a few areas, becoming generally sunny and breezy at times as the morning progresses. There is a 30% (low) chance of a few heavier showers or isolated thunderstorms during the morning. Mostly a fair night despite a few isolated showers.
Tobago and the remainder of the Lesser Antilles:
Predominantly sunny and at times breezy conditions despite brief showers in a few areas. Nighttime will be fair despite the odd shower.
Caution: Gusty winds and street flooding can occur in the event of heavy showers or thunderstorms.
Maximum Temperature:
Piarco: 32° C Crown Point 32° C
Sunrise: 6.04am
Sunset: 5.40pm
Seas are slight to moderate with waves1.2 metres to 1.5 metres in open waters and less than one metre in sheltered areas.
High tide: 11.15 am. 10.55 pm
Low tide: 4.21 am. 4.43 pm
High tide: 11.06 am. 11.08 pm
Low tide: 4.33 am. 5.03 pm
*Information Courtesy Trinidad and Tobago Metrological Service