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Tobago Chamber Happy SoE Lifted

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By Chantalé Fletcher

CHAIRMAN of the Tobago Business Chamber attorney Martin George hopes for a new and fresh outlook for business perspectives in Tobago for 2022.

“Vaccination is the key and way out of this pandemic,” was the message he had for citizens at the early lifting of the State of Emergency (SOE) at midnight Wednesday.

George said, “The Chamber looks forward to the Government’s promise to the lifting up of the SOE and curfew because we recognise these two elements have caused tremendous hamper and damper to business.”

He said there was no clear correlation between the implementation of the SOE and curfew and any significant reduction in the number of Covid-19 cases over the time period.

George said, “Now that it’s about to be lifted, we hope to see an increase in business and return to normalcy in business activity.

“We urge all citizens, visitors and persons patronising the business establishments in Tobago and in Trinidad to observe all the health, safety and Covid-19 protocols and restrictions, in terms of mask wearing, physical distancing and of course your reduced capacity at certain establishments.”


He encouraged people to get on board the vaccination programmes.

In addition, George encouraged the government to keep up their vaccination drive, and its marketing and advertising campaign to encourage vaccinations.


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