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Rowley: T&T has Avoided Tribalism

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TRINIDAD and Tobago has tried to avoid tribalism.

This according to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley in his 2021 Divali message.

He said, “In contrast, in many plural societies around the world, dark clouds frequently ignite religious differences, tribalism, identity politics, ethnic nationalism, extremism, and violent conflict. Fortunately, in this country we consciously try to avoid such experiences.

“To our credit, our society is identified by some indicators as among the happiest in the world, and we line up among the most successful multi-cultural and multi-religious peoples.

“Trinidad and Tobago at its 59th year as an independent sovereign state, and its 45th year as a Republic is identified as a people, a society, with much to be thankful for.”

Dr Rowley also noted challenges to citizens.

He said, “Yes, there have been challenges in our daily lives; protests, civil disturbances and unnecessary incitement, but our political system, although not perfect, has proven to be flexible, accommodating and resilient.

“The Vedic traditions of Divali can be interpreted as a great confluence, a spiritual moment during which we can reflect on our individual lives.”

He said deyas must be seen as a symbolism of a triumphant light over the dark corners.

Dr Rowley said, “Regardless of one’s religious affiliation Divali 2021 can be interpreted as another spiritual moment in which we can seek to purify ourselves. Let us use the experience of this moment of Divali to make progressive changes in our lives.

“Let us become more cooperative, more forgiving of our fellow citizens, be more approving of sincere intentions, be more peaceful, selfless and non-judgemental. I appeal, as Prime Minister, for more politeness, courtesy and respect in all our interactions, with each other.”


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