UNC Marches in ‘October Revolution’

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE protest action being dubbed the “The October Revolution” by the Opposition United National Congress UNC was commemorated on Saturday with a silent march in Tacarigua.

More than 150 people led by St Augustine MP Khadijah Ameen staged the march in protest of Government’s actions in the afternoon.


Ameen led the followers dressed  in black clothing and black flags in a show of solidarity along the walk from the Eddie Hart Savannah, along the Eastern Main Road and back to Macoya.

The October Revolution protests began last Saturday when Opposition MPs led demonstrations demanding infrastructural issues in their constituencies be resolved.


On October 21, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar declared her party would continue to demand accountability from the government even after the motion to impeach the President failed.

Ameen called on all citizens to join the October Revolution.


She said, “We are having a silent, peaceful walk and we are on the Eastern Main Road and we will continue to show this government we are not afraid. We are law-abiding citizens, we are observing all covid protocols, we are walking single-file to send a message that we are not afraid to stand for democracy.

“I urge TT to join us as the October Revolution has started. Join us.”

The MP said she will continue to advocate not only for her St Augustine constituents but for the all of Trinidad and Tobago, “especially in these current times where the tenets of natural justice and the social injustices are blatantly ignored by the government.”



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