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Alexander: Let Unvaccinated, People with NCDs Pay for Healthcare

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PEOPLE unvaccinated for Covid-19 and those with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) should pay for their healthcare.

This is the suggestion being made by Phillip Edward Alexander, of the Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP),  in a release on Sunday.

Hudson, Awninings

He said, “I would support the idea of the unvaxxed paying for their own medical if they get sick if we also agree that the 50% of the population suffering from stroke, heart disease, diabetes and cancer as a direct result of poor diet, smoking, alcohol and unhealthy lifestyle chooses to do so as well.”

Alexander said, “It is easier to not get heart disease or diabetes than it is to not get Covid simply by not purchasing fried, processed, nutrition-void food from the fast food industry, the sugar laden poisons from the soft drink industry or cancer causing carcinogens from the processed meat industry.

“Alcohol and cigarettes kill more of our people annually than Covid could in a hundred years.”

He said syphilis, genital warts, herpes and HIV/AIDS were also preventable and caused by Trinidad and Tobago’s hyper sexualised culture.

Alexander said, “Let’s agree. If it’s preventable and you get it, pay your own medical bill.”


He said the irony was that officials of the Ministry of Health was not telling the public that poor diet and lifestyle choices caused obesity and allows Covid-19 to flourish.

Alexander added, “The majority of people who get Covid and die are overweight and suffering from one of the above conditions.”


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