Vaccines for Pregnant Women from Friday in Tobago

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TOBAGO begins its  Covid-19 vaccination for pregnant women on Friday.

The soon-to-be mothers will also be administered the Pfizer vaccine.

The announcement was made on Thursday at the Division of Health, Wellness and Family Development virtual media conference.

Acting Medical Chief of Staff at the Scarborough General Hospital, Dr Victor Wheeler said there were Covid-19 pregnant patients on the island including one who ended up in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) who thankfully recovered.

He said, “The Pfizer vaccine is very safe to use in pregnancy. It will help to protect pregnant women from getting infections. I cannot re-emphasise again the need for pregnant women to get vaccinated.”

He quoted from Director of Women’s Health  Dr Adesh Sirjusingh that over 300 pregnant women contracted Covid-19 with one mother dying and another critically ill.

In Tobago, over ten Covid-19 pregnant patients “are all reasonably well at the moment,” he said with some delivering healthy babies.


Dr Wheeler added, “We all should be vaccinated. The hospital will never be able to increase its capacity if many more persons get seriously ill. The only serious method now for protecting us is to get vaccinated.”


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