End of First Year of Online School

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE first online school year ever in the country came to a close on Friday with many breathing a sigh of relief.

The Ministry of Education in a press release thanked all who contributed to the education sector during one of the most challenging times.

The ministry stated, “A myriad of challenges presented themselves, but the resilience of our citizens was admirable- from the teachers who embraced the MOE’s and other upskilling opportunities, to the parents who stood in the gap for their children; from the MOE staff who brought innovation and adaptability to the table, to the business community who donated over 22,000 devices and connectivity to those who needed it.”

Minister of Education Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly and Minister in the Ministry  Lisa Morris-Julian, expressed their appreciation for the stakeholders.

They said, “Our children have benefited from those who embody being their brothers’ keepers. Thank you to every donor, teacher, parent, guardian, administrator, mental health professional; thank you to anyone who has in anyway promoted educational continuity. Transforming education will take all of our efforts, and we have made significant progress this year, notwithstanding the challenges which we still face. This pandemic has taught us that resilience is a key quality to thrive in this world. As educators, we must continue be positive and resilient in order to move forward as we work together to transform this current education sector.”

The ministry listed its achievements during the 2020/2021 academic year.

These included Trinidad and Tobago pupils receieving top regional awards in the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) exams,   the integration of e-books and access to educational material via television, radio and print media through strategic partnerships, digital teaching and the provision of over 22,000 devices to students through the Adopt-A-School Programme.

Shanic May 2021 edited latest to use

There was also professional development for teachers, specifically for the online environment, with continuous training of over 12,000 teachers in various areas, including online teaching and content creation.

The ministry stated, “As teachers and students finally close their devices and get ready to enjoy a well-deserved break, the staff of the Ministry continues to work toward preparations for the new academic year making progress with the input of our valued stakeholders, on critical projects.”


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